Trade Token
To get a transaction for signing and sending, you need to make a POST request to the REST API entry point
Include a JSON payload in the body of your request:
- api_key — Your API key
- mint — Token addressа (base58)
- action — «buy» or «sell»
- amount_sol — The amount of SOL to buy a token. It's mutually exclusive with the amount_tokens field
- amount_percent — The amount of tokens to sell in percent. It's mutually exclusive with the amount_tokens field
- amount_tokens — The amount of tokens to buy/sell
- slippage — The percent slippage allowed in percent (by default 25%)
- priority_fee — Amount used to enhance transaction speed
import requests
from solders.keypair import Keypair
from solders.transaction import VersionedTransaction
from solders.message import from_bytes_versioned
from solders.commitment_config import CommitmentLevel
from solders.rpc.requests import SendVersionedTransaction
from solders.rpc.config import RpcSendTransactionConfig
res ='',
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
json = {
'api_key' : 'Your API key here',
'mint' : '6WsLDhrc3hURPx5Rn3e12rBoRiXnj4F13K27uVn6stMF', # Token address
'action' : 'sell', # 'buy' or 'sell'
'amount_tokens' : 10**6, # The amount of tokens to sell
# 'amount_percent' : 30, # or a percentage of tokens
'slippage' : 25, # The percent slippage allowed (1 .. 100)
'priority_fee' : 0.0005, # Amount to use as priority fee
if res.status_code != 200:
response = res.json()
print('mint: ', response['result']['mint'])
print('signature: ', response['result']['signature'])
print('signature url:', response['result']['signature_url'])
import { VersionedTransaction, Connection, Keypair, MessageV0 } from '@solana/web3.js';
import axios from 'axios';
const RPC_ENDPOINT = ""; // Your RPC entrypoint
const rpc_client = new Connection(
async function custodial_trade() {
const res = await'',
api_key : 'Your API key here',
mint : '6WsLDhrc3hURPx5Rn3e12rBoRiXnj4F13K27uVn6stMF', // Token address
action : 'sell', // 'buy' or 'sell'
amount_tokens : 10**6, // The amount of tokens to sell
// amount_percent : 30, // or a percentage of tokens
slippage : 25, // The percent slippage allowed (1 .. 100)
priority_fee : 0.0005, // Amount to use as priority fee
{headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }}
if(res.status != 200) {
console.log('mint: ',;
console.log('signature: ',;
console.log('signature url: ',;
# status_code == 200
"version" : "v2",
"result" : {
"mint" : "6WsLDhrc3hURPx5Rn3e12rBoRiXnj4F13K27uVn6stMF",
"signature" : "3nYzkvjpGrmLfGYx4r8rWS3AJcWXZV5Xh3gjbeTbKxyFHpSrHFk5guQwLXUSmBh8jUMnFNoETPVr64SRk6dEZBxR",
"signurure_url" : ""
# status_code != 200
"version" : "v2",
"errors" : [ "Internal error, service is unavailable at now moment" ]